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This 3-week course is for people working in the field of nature such as nature guides, park managers, policy makers, teachers and educators. Our guest stays take you from the city. And indoor life style and invite you into deep moments of quiet and silence to rejuvenate and reconnect with your true nature. Have a look at what exciting programs are happening on our calendar for 2015. Meeting the Spirit of Nature. To discover more about Princess Irene click here.
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. In order to place a booking for cottages or camping, or to check availability, kindly make use of our online booking system.
Guests are requested to check-in after 14h00 and check-out before 11h00. Situated 80 kilometres outside the historical town of Beaufort West, Bergplaats. Is a place where travellers can come to replenish their souls. The vast beauty of the semi-arid landscape stretches to the horizon under a canopy of the richest blue sky, and herds of antelope graze across the rolling hills.
plastdósir, plastbrúsa, plastdollur og plastfötur. Bergplast sérhæfir sig í plastframleiðslu fyrir matvælaiðnað. Plasthlutir eins og skyrdósir, jógúrtdósir, drykkjabrúsa, salatbox, sósubox og ýmsar aðrar. Framleiðsla og sala á plastumbúðum. Framleiðsla og sala á vörum fyrir rafmagns- og byggingaiðnað. Hönnun, ráðgjöf og aðstoð við vöruþróun.
Москва, Щелковское шоссе, дом 5, стр. ПРОИЗВОДСТВО БЕРГ ЭТО ПОЛНЫЙ СПЕКТР РАБОТ, ВЫСОКОТОЧНОЕ СОВРЕМЕННОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ И НОВЕЙШИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ. На производстве БЕРГ применяются высокопроизводительные термопластавтоматы с усилием смыкания 100-1420 тонн и весом впрыска более 7 кг. Производственная мощность переработки более 300 тонн полимерных материалов в месяц. Полный цикл работ и услуг.